Teen student-athletes have different nutrition needs to fuel both their sports performance and their growth. If teen athletes don’t eat enough, their bodies are less likely to achieve peak performance and may even break down muscles rather than build them. Athletes who don’t take in enough calories every day won’t be as fast and as strong as they could be and might not maintain a healthy weight.
Athletes, especially in sports like wrestling, swimming or gymnastics, might feel pressure to lose weight. Cutting calories could lead to growth problems and a higher risk of fractures and other injuries. If a coach, gym teacher or teammate says that you need to go on a diet, talk to a doctor who specializes in teen athletes and weight management. If a health professional you trust agrees that it’s safe to diet, they could then work with you to create a healthy eating plan.
Besides the right amount of calories, teen athletes need a variety of vitamins and minerals from the foods they eat to keep performing at their best. Calcium, which is a must for protecting against stress fractures, can be found in foods such as low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, leafy greens, seeds and almonds. Iron, which can be found in lean meat, fish, poultry, leafy green vegetables and iron-fortified cereals, is essential to carry oxygen to your muscles.
Athletes may need more protein than less-active teens, but most will get plenty through a healthy diet. It’s a myth that athletes need a huge daily intake of protein to build large, strong muscles, so don’t overdo it. Muscle growth comes from regular training and hard work. Good sources of protein are fish, lean meats and poultry, eggs, dairy, nuts, soy, and peanut butter.
Carbohydrates are an excellent source of fuel. Cutting back on carbs or following low-carb diets isn’t a good idea for athletes. That’s because restricting carbs can make you feel tired and worn out, which can hurt your performance. Good sources of carbs include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (such as brown rice, oatmeal, whole-wheat bread).
Everyone needs some fat each day, and this is extra true for athletes. That’s because active muscles quickly burn through carbs and need fats for long-lasting energy. Like carbs, not all fats are created equal! Choose healthier fats, such as the unsaturated fat found in most vegetable oils, fish, nuts and seeds. Fatty foods can slow digestion, so it’s a good idea to avoid eating them for a few hours before exercising.
Sports supplements promise to improve sports performance, but few have proven helpful, and some may do harm. Anabolic steroids can seriously mess with a person’s hormones, causing mental health issues and unwanted side effects like testicular shrinkage and baldness in guys or facial hair growth in girls. Other sports supplements, like creatine have not been tested in people younger than 18. So the risks of taking them are not yet known. Salt tablets are another supplement used to avoid dehydration, but it can actually lead to dehydration and must be taken with plenty of water.
Water is as important to unlocking your power as food. When you sweat during exercise, it’s easy to become overheated and worn out, especially in hot or humid weather. How much fluid each person needs depends on their age, size, level of physical activity, and environmental temperature. Athletes should drink before, during, and after exercise. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty, because that’s a sign that your body has needed liquids for a while. Sports drinks are no better for you than water, but if you exercise for more than 90 minutes or in very hot weather, the extra carbs and electrolytes in sports drinks may help with performance. Avoid drinking carbonated drinks or juice because they could give you a stomachache while you’re training or competing. Don’t use energy drinks and other caffeinated drinks like soda, tea, and coffee for rehydration. Drinking large amounts of caffeine can increase heart rate and blood pressure, while causing headaches which will make it hard to sleep at night. These all can drag down your performance.
Your performance on game day will depend on the foods you’ve eaten over the past several days and weeks. You can boost your performance even more by paying attention to the food you eat on game day. Eat a meal 3 to 4 hours before activity. Include plenty of carbs and some protein but keep the fat low. Fat takes longer to digest, which can cause an upset stomach. Carbs may include pasta, bread, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid sugary foods and drinks. If there are 3 hours or less before your game or practice, eat a lighter meal or snack that includes easy-to-digest carbohydrate-containing foods, such as fruit, crackers, or bread. Eat within 30 minutes after intense activity and again 2 hours later. Your body will be replenishing and rebuilding muscle, so continue to hydrate and eat a balance of lean protein and carbs.
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