You took the first steps to start your journey. That is something to cherish and acknowledge. This journey is a long one with inevitable bumps in the road. Some will be physical and some will be mental. We encourage you to write a letter to yourself.
Reflect why you started this journey. Reflect on your goals. What do you want to change about yourself. What do not want to change about yourself. When you hit that bump in the road, take out the letter and reflect. Write yourself a new letter as your goals, thoughts, feelings may change as you go through your journey.
Dear _______________,
Thank you for …
I hope to get stronger …
I hope to get off my medications …
I forgive you for …
I appreciate you because …
I really like how you …
I hope you always …
Abeles Wellness Experience practices across the states of New York – Massachusetts – Florida
Abeles Wellness Experience is licensed under Two Sisters Acquisitions LLC
All Rights Reserved © Two Sisters Acquisitions LLC
950 Franklin Avenue, Garden City , NY