Beginner walking program

Get your body moving one step at a time

Woman walking beside a river at sunrise

Week 1

3 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 5 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 15


Week 2

3 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 7 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 17


Week 3

3 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 9 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 19


Week 4

3 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 11 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 21


Week 5

4 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 13 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 23


Week 6

4 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 15 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 25


Week 7

4 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 18 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 28


Week 8

4 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 20 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 30


Week 9

5 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 23 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 33


Week 10

5 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 26 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 36


Week 11

5 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 28 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 38


Week 12

5 days per week

Warm up: 5 minutes

Brisk walk: 30 minutes

Cool down: 5 minutes

Total minutes: 40

After week 12, you'll be able to progress to an intermediate walking program. Get out there and put some miles under your shoes

Tips for Success:

  • Buy workout clothes you feel good about wearing.
  • When you are short on time or tempted to skip a workout, don’t! At least commit to 15 minutes. Once you begin, you will likely keep going.
  • If you plan to walk outside, research a few parks and trails nearby as the change of scenery will be nice
  • Reward yourself every week with some new workout tunes, workout clothes, a manicure, a scented soap, water bottle, etc.
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